omg after so long
thats so cool man I Saw this in the portal and thought it was a joke
well it feels good to be one of the first hundred people to see this great ass movie
don't make us wait so long for the next one
omg after so long
thats so cool man I Saw this in the portal and thought it was a joke
well it feels good to be one of the first hundred people to see this great ass movie
don't make us wait so long for the next one
Sorry man , but I Had to give it a 2
not that it wasn't graphical enough , but most or all of the drawings were traced
so your main characters kept changing from different anime characters
And thats a little eh if your gonna trace at least trace the same character or your
characters seem like they morph well better luck next time , maybe try and creat your own characters.
I know they might not look as nice , but hey at least it won't be directly tracing
out of mangas
no i didnt trace but i did use them as reference. its obvious and i know. but im still working on it, but it make since to not like it for that. im still trying to get the whole anime thing going so ive been drawing things from other things. eventually ill be able to do it on my own i can draw like this, just it looks more like when the characters move and all crappy, im working on it. :/
Joined on 8/26/08